As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so does the relentless march of cyber threats. In the ever-escalating battle between cybercriminals and cybersecurity professionals, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged not only as a formidable adversary in the wrong hands but also as a powerful ally when wielded responsibly. 

In this follow-up article, we delve into the transformative role of AI as a guardian of digital defence, exploring the advancements, strategies, and ethical considerations that define the new era of cybersecurity.

1. The Evolution of AI in Cybersecurity

The integration of AI into cybersecurity has marked a paradigm shift in the way we approach digital defence. Initially perceived as a potential vulnerability, AI has, over time, proven to be a vital asset in fortifying our cyber defences. 

Machine learning algorithms, neural networks, and advanced analytics have enabled AI to analyze massive datasets, identify patterns, and detect anomalies at speeds and scales that surpass human capabilities. This evolution has given rise to a new era of proactive defence, where threats are anticipated and neutralized before they can manifest into a breach.

2. Proactive Threat Detection and Prevention

One of the primary strengths of AI in cybersecurity lies in its ability to predict and prevent threats before they materialize. Unlike traditional security measures that rely on known signatures and patterns, AI-powered systems can adapt and learn in real time. 

This proactive approach is particularly crucial in an environment where cyber threats are dynamic, sophisticated, and ever-evolving. By constantly analyzing patterns and behaviours, AI can identify emerging threats, vulnerabilities, and attack vectors, allowing cybersecurity professionals to stay ahead of the curve.

3. The Rise of AI-Powered Intrusion Detection Systems

AI has played a pivotal role in the development of advanced Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). These systems leverage machine learning algorithms to analyze network traffic, user behaviour, and system activities in real-time. 

By establishing a baseline of normal behaviour, AI-powered IDS can swiftly identify deviations indicative of a potential intrusion. This not only reduces false positives but also enhances the overall accuracy of threat detection, enabling quicker response times and mitigation strategies.

4. Behavioral Analysis and Anomaly Detection

One of the key strengths of AI is its capacity for behavioural analysis. By continuously learning and adapting to normal patterns of user behaviour, AI can swiftly identify anomalies that may indicate a security threat. 

Whether it’s detecting unusual login patterns, deviations in data access, or unexpected network traffic, AI-driven systems excel at recognizing subtle signs of malicious activity that may go unnoticed by traditional security measures.

5. Collaborative Defense Ecosystems

The era of AI in cybersecurity has fostered collaborative defence ecosystems. Threat intelligence sharing platforms powered by AI enable organizations to pool their collective knowledge and experience, creating a unified front against cyber threats. 

This collaborative approach enhances the ability to identify and respond to emerging threats more effectively, as insights and indicators of compromise are shared in real-time across a network of interconnected defences.

6. Ethical Considerations in AI-Powered Cybersecurity

While AI has proven to be a stalwart defender in the realm of cybersecurity, the ethical considerations surrounding its use cannot be ignored. Striking the right balance between privacy, transparency, and the need for robust defence mechanisms is a complex challenge. 

Responsible AI practices, adherence to ethical guidelines, and transparent communication with end-users are essential to ensuring that the deployment of AI in cybersecurity aligns with societal values and expectations.

7. The Role of AI in Incident Response

AI is not only a guardian on the preventive front but also a crucial asset in incident response. In the aftermath of a security incident, AI can expedite the forensic analysis process, identify the root causes of the breach, and facilitate a swift and effective response. Automated incident response powered by AI can mitigate the impact of a breach, contain the threat, and enable organizations to recover more rapidly.

8. Continuous Adaptation to Emerging Threats

The dynamic nature of cyber threats requires a cybersecurity strategy that can adapt and evolve in real time. AI, with its learning capabilities, excels in this regard. As cyber threats become more sophisticated and diverse, AI-powered defences continuously learn from new data and adapt their models to address emerging challenges. 

This adaptability is a crucial factor in maintaining the resilience of digital defences in the face of an ever-changing threat landscape.

Conclusion: Navigating the Future of Cybersecurity with AI

The Guardian AI, as we aptly label it, is reshaping the future of cybersecurity. Its ability to proactively defend against threats, collaborate within ecosystems, and enhance incident response capabilities positions AI as a cornerstone of digital defence. 

However, as we embrace the transformative power of AI, we must remain vigilant in addressing the ethical considerations associated with its use. The future of cybersecurity lies in our ability to harness the potential of AI responsibly, ensuring a symbiotic relationship between technology and the values we hold dear. In this dynamic landscape, the Guardian AI stands as a sentinel, protecting our digital realms from the ever-present shadows of cyber threats.

For nearly 25 years, Google has built helpful products that people use every day — from Search and Maps to Gmail and Docs in Google Workspace. AI has been transformational in building products that have earned a valued place in people’s lives. Across our productivity suite, advances in AI are already helping 3 billion users save more time with Smart Compose and Smart Reply, generate summaries for Docs, look more professional in meetings, and stay safe against malware and phishing attacks.

We’re now making it possible for Workspace users to harness the power of generative AI to create, connect, and collaborate like never before. To start, we’re introducing the first set of AI-powered writing features in Docs and Gmail to trusted testers.

As the world’s most popular and secure cloud-native communication and collaboration suite, getting this right — and at scale — is something we take very seriously. We know from our deep experience in AI and productivity that building features with AI requires great care, thoughtful experimentation, and many iterations driven by user feedback. We do all this while building safeguards against abuse, protecting the privacy of user data, and respecting customer control for data governance.

Making Workspace even more helpful

Workspace’s mission is to meaningfully connect people so they can create, build and grow together — and advances in generative AI are allowing us to deliver on this mission in new ways. Today, we’re sharing our broader vision for how Workspace is evolving to incorporate AI as a collaborative partner that is always there to help you achieve your goals, across Gmail, Docs, Slides, Sheets, Meet, and Chat.

As we embark on this next journey, we will be bringing these new generative AI experiences to trusted testers on a rolling basis throughout the year, before making them available publicly. 

With these features, you’ll be able to:

  • draft, reply, summarize, and prioritize your Gmail
  • brainstorm, proofread, write, and rewrite in Docs
  • bring your creative vision to life with auto-generated images, audio, and video in Slides
  • go from raw data to insights and analysis via auto-completion, formula generation, and contextual categorization in Sheets
  • generate new backgrounds and capture notes in Meet
  • enable workflows for getting things done in Chat

Here’s a look at the first set of AI-powered features, which make writing even easier.

Starting with Docs and Gmail

Blank pages can stump the best of us. That’s why we’re embedding generative AI in Docs and Gmail to help people get started writing. Whether you’re a busy HR professional who needs to create customized job descriptions, or a parent drafting the invitation for your child’s pirate-themed birthday party, Workspace saves you the time and effort of writing that first version. Simply type a topic you’d like to write about, and a draft will instantly be generated for you. With your collaborative AI partner, you can continue to refine and edit, getting more suggestions as needed.

Generative AI in Docs helps to write a job description.

Finding the right tone and style can also be tricky at times. Perhaps you’re applying for a new job, or writing to a new supplier in a more traditional industry, and you need to adopt a more formal tone in your email. Or you’ve jotted down a few bullets on your phone from a recent meeting and want to transform them into a more polished summary to share with your team. For these common scenarios and many more, we’re adding new generative AI capabilities to help you rewrite. And if you’re in the mood to let AI try out a new playful voice altogether, you’ll be able to hit the “I’m feeling lucky” option in Gmail.

Generative AI in Gmail formalizing notes into a polished email.

Keeping users in control

As we’ve experimented with generative AI ourselves, one thing is clear: AI is no replacement for the ingenuity, creativity, and smarts of real people. Sometimes the AI gets things wrong, sometimes it delights you with something offbeat, and oftentimes it requires guidance. With all this in mind, we’re designing our products by Google’s AI Principles that keep the user in control, letting AI make suggestions that you’re able to accept, edit, and change. We’ll also deliver the corresponding administrative controls so that IT can set the right policies for their organization. 

The best is yet to come

AI-based capabilities get better with human feedback. We’ll launch these new experiences this month via our trusted tester program, starting with English in the United States. From there, we’ll iterate and refine the experiences before making them available more broadly to consumers, small businesses, enterprises, and educational institutions in more countries and languages. When it comes to delivering the full potential of generative AI across Workspace, we’re just getting started. In the same way that we revolutionized real-time collaboration with co-authoring in Docs 17 years ago, we’re excited to transform creation and collaboration all over again in Workspace. 

If your organization is not yet on Workspace, we invite you to get started today at no cost and join us in this new era of AI.

By 2030, ten powerful converging technologies will entirely transform the way businesses work and engage with their customers. Here’s what you need to know:

Artificial Intelligence

Software algorithms that automate complex decision-making tasks to mimic human thought processes and senses. AI will exponentially speed up every aspect of human and machine interaction.

What is Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the combination of algorithms used to create intelligent machines. It is said that the next great leap in technology will not be systems that run faster and more efficiently, but rather a platform capable of anticipating our every need which is the foundation successful businesses are built upon.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality or AR as it’s fondly called is a visual or audio “overlay” on the physical world that uses contextualized digital information to augment the user’s real-world view.

It will be used to inform and amplify your interaction with all aspects of your everyday life, work and travel. Companies like Apple have already positioned themselves for the future with the design of the Apple Glass. The purpose of the Glass is to bring all of the information from your phone directly to your face.

AR will turn your gaze on almost anything in your surroundings, squint thoughtfully, and immediately view informational content about the object or activity of focus. Imagine the power it will give any businesses that adopt this technology now.

Virtual Reality

VR is an interface in which viewers can use special equipment to interact with a three-dimensional computer-generated simulation in realistic ways. Unlike AR which adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smartphone, VR is a complete immersion experience that shuts out the physical world.

The adoption of VR is poised to bring transformation to businesses that operate in the sphere of education, entertainment, medicine and more.

3D Printing

3D Printing is a machine that creates three-dimensional objects based on digital models by layering or “printing” successive layers of materials. It is used to fabricate bespoke ‘everything’ from homes and automobile parts to the replacement of human bio-tissues.

3D printing tech has brought massive innovation to the world. The technology has its imprint on virtually all industries. it is a sure-fire for any business to last the mile.

Internet of Things

IoT, as it is often called, is a network of physical objects embedded with sensors, software, network connectivity and computing capability, and can collect, exchange and act on data.

The Internet of Things has already started to revolutionize our homes and workplaces with smart speakers, lights and heating thereby minimising and simplifying everyday decision-making.


Robotics is the use of machines with enhanced sensing, control and intelligence to automate, augment or assist human activities. Robotics tech is already in use in different industries like healthcare, education, manufacturing and research institutions.

Read More: 21 Digital Tools To Use For Your Business In 2022.

Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing is a new generation of technology of advanced computers 158 million times faster than the most sophisticated supercomputer. It will comfortably do in 4 minutes what it would take a traditional supercomputer 10,000 years to accomplish.

This technology holds the potential to transform medicine, create unbreakable encryption and even teleport information. Any business with the ability to integrate Quantum Computer will easily dominate its industry for years to come.

Gene Editing

Gene Editing is a group of technologies that give scientists the ability to change an organism’s DNA by allowing genetic material to be added, removed or altered at particular locations in the genome. This technology possesses the capability to extend the human life span and improve health and quality of life.

Already, scientists are making precise edits to DNA strands, leading to treatments for genetic diseases. This is a game-changer for the healthcare industry.

The use of Gene Editing tech could potentially push any company to the pinnacle of domination.

Materials Science

Material Science is the discovery and development of new materials accelerated by the Materials Genome Initiative. It allows scientists to create new elements and better products, transforming many aspects of everyday life.

Blockchain Technology

You are already familiar with Blockchain Technology based on previous articles we’ve written on it. But in case you need a rehash, Blockchain Technology is a distributed digital ledger that uses software algorithms to record and confirm transactions with reliability and anonymity.

The technology creates the infrastructure for web3 and transforms the internet — returning power and ownership to individuals.

READ: 21 Digital Tools To Use For Your Business In 2022.

Already, Blockchain Technology is disrupting the financial industries as more people are adopting the use of the technology – based on its most singular significant feature of decentralisation – to perform payment transactions with ease.

Any payment platform that wishes to stay relevant should start thinking of ways to integrate the use of Blockchain Technology.


That’s it! These are the 10 Most Powerful Business Technologies you need to start adopting right now as a business owner if you don’t want your business to be swept away by the rising current of innovations out there.

The insurance industry has been slow to adopt technology and change, but the need for digitization and automation has become increasingly important. The rise of new entrants and changing customer expectations have added pressure on the insurance sector to modernize and embrace new technologies.

In today’s digital age, customers expect quick and seamless interactions with insurance companies. To meet these expectations, insurance companies must adopt technology that will streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve customer experience.

One technology that has gained significant attention in recent years is no-code technology. No-code technology is a type of platform that allows businesses to create software applications without writing code. This eliminates the need for technical expertise, making it possible for non-technical personnel to build and launch software applications. The benefits of no-code technology include reduced development time and cost, faster deployment, and greater agility and innovation.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of no-code technology for insurance companies and how they can use it to 10x their income. From key applications to implementation steps, this article will provide a comprehensive guide for insurance companies to harness the power of no-code technology.

Benefits of No-code Technology for Insurance Companies.

No-code technology offers insurance companies a range of benefits that can help them achieve their goals and stay ahead of the competition. Some of the key benefits of no-code technology for insurance companies include increased efficiency and productivity, reduced operational costs, improved customer experience, and better data management and analysis.

  1. Increased Efficiency and Productivity: No-code technology automates many manual processes, reducing the time and effort required to complete tasks. This increased efficiency leads to increased productivity and more time for other important tasks.
  2. Reduced Operational Costs: With no-code technology, insurance companies can create and launch software applications without having to hire expensive developers. This reduces the cost of development and maintenance, freeing up resources for other investments.
  3. Improved Customer Experience: No-code technology makes it possible for insurance companies to create and launch software applications quickly, improving customer experience. This is because applications can be created with the customer in mind, making it easier for customers to interact with insurance companies and access the services they need.
  4. Better Data Management and Analysis: No-code technology enables insurance companies to collect, manage, and analyze data in real-time, providing insights into customer behaviour and preferences. This data can then be used to make informed decisions, improve customer experience, and increase profitability.

Key Applications of No-code Technology for Insurance Companies

Insurance companies can use no-code technology to automate a range of tasks and processes, from customer service to policy management. Some key applications of no-code technology for insurance companies include:

  1. Customer Service: No-code technology can be used to create a self-service portal for customers, providing them with easy access to information and services. This can improve customer satisfaction and reduce the workload of customer service representatives.
  2. Claims Processing: No-code technology can be used to automate claims processing, reducing the time and effort required to complete this task. This can improve the accuracy and speed of claims processing, leading to faster payments and improved customer experience.
  3. Policy Management: No-code technology can be used to automate policy management tasks, such as renewals, cancellations, and updates. This can reduce the workload of policy administrators and improve the accuracy of policy management.
  4. Risk Management: No-code technology can be used to automate risk management processes, providing insurance companies with real-time data and insights into potential risks. This can help insurance companies make informed decisions and improve risk management practices.

Implementation Steps for Insurance Companies

Insurance companies can use no-code technology to improve efficiency and reduce costs, but they must follow several steps to ensure a successful implementation. Some of the key steps for implementing no-code technology for insurance companies include:

  1. Identify Goals and Objectives: Before implementing no-code technology, insurance companies must identify their goals and objectives. This includes identifying the areas of the business that need improvement and the desired outcomes.
  2. Evaluate No-code Platforms: Once the goals and objectives have been identified, insurance companies must evaluate different no-code platforms to determine which one is best suited for their needs. Factors to consider include features, functionality, cost, and ease of use.
  3. Train Employees: No-code technology requires little to no technical expertise, but employees still need to be trained on how to use the platform. This includes training on how to create and launch software applications, as well as how to use the data and insights generated by the platform.
  4. Implement and Launch: Once the no-code platform has been chosen and employees have been trained, insurance companies can begin to implement and launch the platform. This includes creating and launching software applications, as well as integrating the platform with existing systems and processes.
  5. Monitor and Evaluate: Finally, insurance companies must monitor and evaluate the success of the no-code platform. This includes tracking key metrics such as customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and cost savings, and making any necessary adjustments to the platform to ensure continued success.


No-code technology offers insurance companies a range of benefits, from increased efficiency and productivity to improved customer experience and better data management and analysis. By following the implementation steps outlined in this article, insurance companies can use no-code technology to improve their business processes and achieve their goals. 

With no-code technology, insurance companies can 10x their income and stay ahead of the competition in today’s digital age.

Why you need security optimization in 2021

In 2021,” going digital” is inarguably the best decision that any business can make. The benefits are numerous, spanning from reduced costs to exposure to new opportunities, adapting better to the new remote work culture, and increased prospects of upscaling businesses. Brands who believe this are taking quick steps to expand their digital footprint.

While that is a step in the right direction, we ought to be reminded that every space/ territory has its own threats. And, with the digital space, the chief of all threats remains cyberattacks as digitized processes could create new premises for attacks. This explains why optimizing security is of utmost importance.

Here’s a picture of threats evolving per territory. Organizations that still use offline storage mediums are constantly faced with the threat of losing data to natural disasters or fire outbreaks. This places cloud storage as a preferable data storage option for such organizations. However, on one hand, moving information to the cloud prevents it from being destroyed by natural means. But, on the other hand, this action creates a new surface for attacks which could also lead to data loss. Hackers are lurking predators, waiting to steal away data and extort money from organizations when the opportunity presents itself. Hence, to prevent data loss, and protect digital assets, organizations must invest deeply in security optimization.

What is security optimization?

Security optimization involves the process of evaluating an organization’s security system, identifying loopholes, and closing them up using security solutions. This robust process represents the strongest line of defense against the magnitude of cyberattacks that are projected to occur in Nigeria in 2021.
Weak passwords create a loophole in your security system and hackers are always ready to exploit that vulnerability.

In a statement earlier this year, Director, HP Nigeria, Ifeyinwa Afe, listed major loopholes that create room for attacks on businesses. She maintained that weakened organizations’ security would lead to more unintentional insider threats. She also added that human-operated ransomware and advanced phishing techniques would contribute to increased attacks on businesses.

Ifenyinwa’s predictions intersect with Deloitte’s 2021 cybersecurity outlook which reveals that hackers have gotten more creative and patient in launching attacks on targets and will be rolling out unprecedented techniques in their attempt to compromise their targets.

The need for security optimization

With the increase in the adoption of new technologies owing to the pandemic, hackers now have a broader target base. Judging by predictions and trends in recent attacks, hackers have proven to be more intentional in their approach to stealing from these ever-increasing targets. This is however no reason for organizations to withdraw from pursuing the benefits presented in the digital space.

The proven solution here is to factor security optimization into digital transformation plans. This ensures that while organizations are growing on the wings of digital, hackers are unable or at least constrained in their efforts to prey on them.

At Descasio, we have a list of security solutions that can help you maintain a better posture in the digital space. Click here to learn more about these security solutions. To request a demo, send us an email at or call these numbers 01 912 5048, +2348099456007.

The world we live in is digital. Things approach you quickly, obviously symbolically speaking. One of the main advantages of the advent of the digital age is said to be this speed. When compared to the entirety of human history, digitalization is still a very recent innovation. The desire for trust is one element that has persisted throughout human history. In contrast to the digital world, the meaning of the word “trust” in the real world is significantly different.

The most crucial factor in every business’ success, whether it be digital or analogue, is trust. For each encounter, building trust is the first step. The distinction between the physical and digital worlds has been blurring in recent years, and as a result, our expectations have changed, as has the meaning of trust. Thus, the idea of “Digital Trust” enables both consumers and business owners to conduct transactions in a way that is safe and moral for all parties.

Read: How To Use This Important Digital Tool To Increase Your ROI

What Is Digital Trust?

A key component of the developing global economy, which is increasingly dependent on connectivity, data use, and new technologies, is digital trust. Technology needs to be secure and used responsibly to be trusted. People’s mistrust of digitalization is a result of their lack of awareness of these two factors. A rise in mistrust of digital technology is being attributed to issues with security, transparency, ethics, etc.

There is no universal understanding of what exactly constitutes digital trust. Additionally, there is a glaring absence of direction to make sure that people can cooperate to restore online confidence. An analysis supported by facts on what genuinely motivates digital trust between humans and technology is another deficient area.

The expectations of trust in digital interactions cannot be met by broad concepts of trust. Therefore, to satisfy the requirements of digital enterprises, the framework of conventional conceptions of trust has been modified as “digital trust.”

There has never been a more crucial time to care about how your customers perceive you as a brand and company. Relationships in business are now more concerned with trusting each other with their personal information than just exchanging goods and services. With only a few clicks, everything from scheduling doctor’s visits to managing finances can be done. Millions of people offer the same services, which are oversaturated on the World Wide Web. As a result, consumers are beginning to trust “people like me” more than a particular company.

6 Components of Digital Trust

Currently, Digital Trust addresses six important topics: identity, identity management, predictability, risk reduction, and data integrity.

Privacy: This assures your clients that you can complete any transactions or data transfers without prying into their private information for any length of time.

Security: It would be within a company’s power to ensure that there is absolutely no risk to any party’s data during the transaction.

Identity: Our “actual” identity cannot be completely hidden by our online persona. Customers are given anonymity unless they specifically want it, as identity is a factor of digital trust.

Predictability: The capacity of a corporation to forecast hazards and develop detailed strategies in the event of a “what if” scenario using existing data. This demonstrates to their customers that a corporation with foresight can be trusted.

Risk Mitigation: The ability to comprehend unknown occurrences and devise a strategy to lessen their effects wins the trust of current and potential clients. When a consumer is certain that all potential dangers have been taken into account, they will be more inclined to disclose their data.

Data Integrity: Data security must always come first if you want to maintain your clients’ trust. To maintain data integrity, you must make sure that all of your data is accurate and up to date and that it is being handled, stored, and processed properly.

Read: 21 Digital Tools To Use For Your Business In 2022.

Four Pillars Of Digital Trust

It takes time and effort to establish trust online. Many businesses struggle with the paradox of losing clients by not having a strong digital presence while simultaneously having to turn away customers by digitizing their processes. Companies may build digital trust with their customers based on four pillars.

Transparency and accessibility

Consumers want transparency in all facets of their interactions with brands as the number of digital goods and services increases. People have access to tremendous amounts of information at their fingertips in the digital era. They can quickly look up the available goods and services. They also exchange their personal information with businesses. This is done with the understanding that the business will operate transparently and be reachable when necessary.

Ethics and responsibility

The digital world, with all its delights, has a dark side and is only as moral as those who created it. This means that the majority of businesses must comprehend how to repurpose the technology at their disposal in a way that is consistent with their basic beliefs. This gives them the ability to demonstrate to their clients that their business is deserving of their confidence.

Privacy and control

There is a trade-off between consumers and businesses in the digital world. Customers exchange their data to obtain access and personalize and streamline their experiences. Despite being voluntary, this deal has its limitations. Companies can provide customers choice over when and how their data is used if they feel that their data is being used in a way with which they disagree. This fosters a relationship of mutual respect and trust between businesses and their clients.

Security and reliability

Customers love the convenience that digital platforms offer, but they also think that businesses should be held accountable if they betray their confidence. Cyber hazards are now better known to consumers than ever before. They consequently choose the businesses they feel can be trusted with their data as a result of this. A business that maintains a high level of cybersecurity is more likely to experience a surge in customers than one that makes headlines for security breaches involving client data.

Read 10 Things You Need To Know About Digital Transformation

Future of Digital Trust

We need to make sense of the daily quick advancements if we’re going to have a future where digital trust is what drives success. Reduce misunderstandings and accept improved technology to fully comprehend the digital environment. A critical factor in ensuring that there is digital trust between customers and service providers is cybersecurity.

It takes commitment to ensure that a consumer is happy with handing their data to you if you want to build a future in which digital trust is an undeniable component of your business model. Today is the first day of work toward a future of digital trust.

Check Out the Top 22 Digital Tools To Try Out On Your Business in 2024

Since the start of the third industrial revolution – also known as the digital revolution age – in the mid 20th century, businesses and corporate organisations have always adopted improved ways to function digitally.

The rapid adoption of digital tools by businesses didn’t begin until the late 90s at the height of the internet boom. This golden era heralded the rise of digital products like cloud software which have transformed the way businesses and organisations store important data from meagre physical hard drives sizes of the 60 to the 90s to powerful giant servers housed by software companies like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Service and Google Cloud Platform.

Using efficient and innovative digital tools has many advantages which include customer satisfaction and retention, improved internal and external communication, time optimisation, low customer churn out rate, information centralisation, etc.

READ MORE: 10 Things You Need To Know About Digital Transformation

Table of Contents

  1. What Are Digital Tools
  2. The Rise of GAFAM
  3. Basic Digital Tools and Systems
  4. The Right Digital Tools
  5. 1 DT Assessment Tool
  6. 2 Microsoft Teams
  7. 3 Zoom Video Communications
  8. 4 Whatsapp Business
  9. 5 Zendesk
  10. 6 Sage Cloud Accounting
  11. 7 Hootsuite
  12. 8 Google Workspace
  13. 9 Twitter
  14. 10 Asana
  15. 11 Google Marketing Platform
  16. 12 Google Data Studio
  17. 13 DropBox
  18. 14 Microsoft Azure
  19. 15 Instagram
  20. 16 WordPress
  21. 17 TalentSoft
  22. 18 MailChimp
  23. 19 HubSpot
  24. 20 Trello
  25. 21 PayFit
  26. 22 eBanqo

What Are Digital Tools?

Digital tools are online platforms or software applications leveraged by businesses or individuals to perform quick and optimised functions that ordinarily takes forever to accomplish without them.

The Rise of GAFAM

Most businesses and organisations that have transformed or are in the process of transforming digitally have adopted the use of some digital tools owned by Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft also known as the Big 5. From cloud storage, collaboration, security, to communication tools, these tech giants have it covered.

Basic Digital Tools and Systems

Over the years, digital tools have slowly grown from performing very basic tasks easily done by new interns to more complex tasks usually undertaken by high level engineers and managers. This evolution has greatly improved and saved productivity, output and output respectively, reducing the need for busywork in the workplace.

The Right Digital Tools

Beyond joining the digital transformation wave, It’s imperative that businesses choose the right digital tool that works for them. For example, an upcoming fashion brand will quickly improve its operational process digitally with a Customer Relationship Management tool like Zendesk, while a Logistics company will prioritise the use of several management tools.

Some tools remain very necessary to integrate across industries and we’ll take a look at 21 of them. Here are 21 digital tools businesses should promptly adopt next year if they haven’t:

1 DT Assessment tool

Businesses that adopt digital technologies with no other strategy than the sheer aim to compete have found themselves in a puddle 9 out of 10 times. This underscores the importance of the digital transformation assessment tool for businesses.

The Digital Transformation tool will enable businesses to look inward and find out how ready they are to adopt technology, based on their current operational process and also provide recommendations to help businesses understand what technologies they need to adopt. Ultimately this will help to ensure that businesses can guarantee high returns on their investment in technology solutions.

2 Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is one of the most effective digital tools out there for businesses that want an all-in-one package. It gained prominence during the pandemic last year. The collaborative software, replacing other Microsoft messaging and collaborative platforms like Skype and Classroom, consist of a chat feature where users can chat seamlessly with other users both one on one and as a group, file sharing, meeting, live event and a video/audio call feature.

Microsoft Teams is itself an online workspace where Team members can get work done.

3 Zoom Video Communications

The Zoom app was pretty much an inconspicuous digital tool that gained so much traction as the go-to social distancing tool during the surge of the COVID 19 pandemic last year. This led to Zoom being the fifth most downloaded mobile app worldwide in 2020 at 477 million downloads.

The video conferencing platform is best used for remote working, distance education (usually known as webinars) and all those boring Monday meetings.

The app can be downloaded from the Apple app store and Google Play Store and also on desktops.

4 Whatsapp Business

For most individual businesses, especially on social media, the Whatsapp Business app is the go to digital tool. With features such as a business profile, catalogue to show your products and services, auto messaging, QR codes to invite new customers and other features, Whatsapp business allows businesses to enhance operations and provide them with a professional and personalised way to engage with their customers.

The messaging app was created by Facebook as a standalone application for business owners and can be downloaded from the app and PlayStore.

5 Zendesk

Interfacing with a lot of old and new customers seamlessly can be a hassle if your business has yet to integrate with the right customer service software. This is where Zendesk comes in. The tool helps optimise your customer relationship with features like messaging and live chat, ticketing system, voice, answering bot and so much more.

6 Sage Cloud Accounting

One of the best accounting software out there, the Sage business cloud accounting platform is a truly transformative digital tool for any business that has adopted it. The software comes fully fitted with advanced inventory, stocks management, invoicing, debtor management, etc and can be used across all industries.

7 Hootsuite

Social media has increasingly become a very important medium used by companies and organisations to communicate with customers. But managing several social media accounts at the same time will require social media management tools like Hootsuite. With Hootsuite, you can manage, plan, schedule and analyse all your company’s social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube) and contents in one place.

The platform comes in 3 different plans; Professional, Teams and Enterprise and can be accessed on the web and downloaded from the app and Play Store.

8 Google Workspace

Arguably the most used digital tool by businesses and individuals due to its simplicity and seamless integration, the Google Workplace, formerly known as Google Suites is a powerful digital transformation tool. The collaborative suite includes well known digital tools like Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Slides, My Tasks, Drive and a number of others that employees can use to share real time information.

The digital tools under the G Workspace package can be used independently or jointly.

9 Twitter

Before its ban, Twitter was one of the most favorite online tools used by Nigerian businesses for the quick dissemination of information about their offerings.

Its disposition to capture a lot of audience in a matter of minutes makes it a go to affordable marketing tool for small businesses.

10 Asana

Another popular collaborative digital tool businesses can use to work remotely is Asana. Created by a former Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz, Asana is a web and mobile application designed to help teams organise, manage and track their work.

Unlike Microsoft Teams and Google workspace, Asana is a bit limited in features that include automated workflow and reporting, but it’s still a great option especially for small-scale businesses and startups.

11 Google Marketing Platform

This is one of the best digital marketing tools for any B2Bs or B2Cs looking to gain visibility and traction.

The Google Marketing Platform offers solutions like Data Studio (check below for more information), Analytics for reporting, Optimize to test your app or web products and Surveys for fast and reliable opinions from your customers for both Small businesses and Enterprises comes loaded with a lot of rich offerings.

12 Google Data Studio

The first data analytics digital tool on the list, the Google Data Studio is a data analytics tool like no other. Simplistic in its usage, the tool is used for converting data into customisable and visualisable informative reports and dashboards.

A product of Google Marketing Platform, the Data Studio features include Data Connectors for seamless integration with other Google platforms like Google Sheets and Google Ads, Data Transformation to transform raw data into meaningful information and Data Visualization.

13 Dropbox

As the name implies, it’s a box where you can drop stuff. Well, it’s a little more than that. It’s a gigantic, remotely accessible box where you can drop and access any of your files.

With Dropbox, you can easily share different files, no matter how large or small, with the rest of your teammates, making it easier to collaborate and co-create. Dropbox can be easily accessed from any computer, mobile device or web driver and its creators assure users of optimal security during file transfers.

14 Microsoft Azure

Build applications to meet customer demands using AI and machine learning. Test, deploy, manage and scale applications up and down depending on demands.

Do all of this and even modernize your existing applications with Microsoft Azure.

15 Instagram

Do we even need to go deep into this one? I’m guessing no. But we’d do it anyway for the sake of those who aren’t still in the know. One of the most important tricks with marketing and digital marketing is understanding where exactly your customers are and meeting them right there.

With this in mind, think of who your ideal customers are, think of what they’d most likely be doing during the day at every moment when they get a breather from work. If you can picture them scrolling through Instagram feeds, then you already know your business page should be one of those feeds they’re feeding on. (hmmm. So that’s why they call them feeds. Oh! you just learnt something extra. I should get a tip for that).

This tool enables users to create websites or blogs for any purpose and helps manage the contents deployed on the website after creation for great SEO ranking.

16 WordPress

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems. As of May 2021, 41.4% of the top 10million websites around the world uses WordPress.

This tool enables users to create websites or blogs for any purpose and helps manage the contents deployed on the website after creation for great SEO ranking.

17 TalentSoft

TalentSoft is a cloud-based HR software that enables Human resource managers to have better interactions with other managers across the organization as well as employees. The tool has a wide range of features that caters to different HR functions like, recruiting, employee engagement, onboarding and more.

TalentSoft adapts to HR practices across different countries and organizational structures, making the tool effective for talent management on a global scale even whilst it respects local requirements.

18 MailChimp

Your business is incomplete without an email marketing tool. One of the most popular digital email marketing tools out there, MailChimp is virtually used by any business – including news platforms and podcast hosts – with a moderate or large customer/audience base.

The MailChimp features which include Audience Management for segmentation and targeting, Creative Tools for content creation, Marketing Automation and Insights and Analytics allow for seamless and faster interaction with customers and integration to other digital tools.

19 HubSpot

Very few digital tools offer so much comprehensive digital interaction for businesses the way HubSpot does. The HubSpot platform packs a big punch; it combines customer relationship management solutions, inbound marketing solutions and other digital solutions into one package and can be integrated with other popular digital tools.

The platform also offers easy to use free features to help businesses grow their audience base online.

20 Trello

Trello is a visual collaboration tool where users share and manage projects. Unlike most collaboration tools on this list, Trello’s unique offering is in its powerful visual perspective to remote work.

Not considered as a go to option for most businesses due to its limited features, it’s still an attractive option for users who want a fun and simple interface to work on.

21 PayFit

A list of digital tools for businesses is not complete without a payroll management tool like PayFit. The tool completely takes away the hassle of manually preparing and processing payment of employee salaries and entitlements from Human Resources managers by automating the process using various features like employee portal, onboarding and reporting and exports.

22 eBanqo

AI chatbots are increasingly becoming the go-to customer interaction tools and one of those platforms that offers such tools is eBanqo, a conversational AI solution that helps businesses automate customer enagagement and deliver services instantly on messaging appss like Facebook Messenger, Instagram DM, Google My Business and Whatsapp, meeting customers right where they already engage.

eBanqo offers four features:
– FAQ Bot that makes it possible for customers to get instant answers to questions.
– Self service chatbot that allows customers to resolve issues themselves.
– Live Chat feature for customer service agents to chat with customers irrespective of the channel the customer is engaging on
– Broadcasting feature to send outbound messages to customers.

The year is gradually winding down and some companies are already setting out plans for next year that will position them ahead of their competition. Whatever plan it is, business owners must make adopting the following easy-to-use tech solutions as the number one plan for 2023. 

Interconnected management Software

The world is changing at a faster pace. The idea of having employees working from anywhere but the office was as rare as the purest form of a diamond. At the moment, 16% of companies globally are fully remote according to a study by Owls Lab. This shows that remote work is increasingly becoming the most preferred form of work lifestyle by workers, and to stay ahead of the curve in 2023, more companies will need to embrace flexible work-from-home schedules for their employees. 

To achieve this new form of work culture, companies must adopt the right interconnected management software that can connect seamlessly to their employees’ digital workspaces to provide a comprehensive and integrated look at all aspects of the business.

Customer interaction management platforms, for instance, can help keep track of the apps a company use for emails, online chats and phone calls as well as any client notes or profile updates it makes during those interactions. 

Having that management tool accessible from the same hub with inventory tracking apps and human resources software means that the company can log on to the same platform for a quick update or to complete a specific task in each area.    

A.I Tech

One technology that will give you the edge in a race against your competitors in the coming year is the use of Artificial Intelligence software for your business. In 2019, Startup companies using artificial intelligence received more than $7.4 billion in funding. Also, according to Gartner, technological research and consulting firm based in the U.S, the number of enterprises using AI in business grew by 270% between 2015 and 2019.

These stats show how crucial it is for businesses to adopt the use of AI software for a few of their business processes including sales and customer relations to easily track customer behaviour and provide accurate insight to make better and more informed decisions. Small Businesses may even employ kiosks to help customers with purchases or to answer any questions they may have with a product in the future.

As for Larger businesses and corporations, AI is usually used differently. Automated robots are being introduced to the workforce with programming to make calculations, such as redirecting harvesting equipment on farms for greater yield.  

Inventory and Management and Analytical Tools

Improper inventory management can lead to overorders and cause issues with cash flow. While business owners may not immediately jump to inventory management as a major need, it’s crucial to have a dedicated system for tracking which products are going in and out.

This has led to the creation of software built specifically to track inventory for small to medium-sized businesses. 

For greater insights into which products are doing well and which need to be revised or marketed better, a program that analyzes inventory can make a huge difference for a business unaware of how well a product is selling. Thankfully, there are plenty of applications that have been created for this, such as…

Inventory management software often offers integration with other software to provide business owners with a better sense of where they can improve. This information can include which payment method is most popular, which products may be underperforming, and when transactions seem to reach their peak. This type of data lends itself to helping companies perform better, even if they’re small and only selling a few different products.

Financial management tools

Keeping track of your business’s finances is critical for success next year and beyond. Investing in accounting software early on allows you to continuously monitor cash flow, track expenses and manage employee payroll. 

QuickBooks remains a popular option for small business owners due to its ease of use and scalability, while entrepreneurs with simple billing can turn to free software such as Wave.

Cybersecurity software

Most businesses utilize a network connection to some degree, be it internal data storage or an online point of sale system. While larger corporations often have complex data security systems in place, small businesses can also fall victim to a cyber attack if they do not take steps to protect themselves. 

Setting up cybersecurity software early in your business can protect the valuable company and customer data. A great place to start is purchasing antivirus software, which guards computers and networks against viruses and other malicious attacks. You may also consider purchasing a business VPN to ensure only authorized users can access your network.

Regardless of which specific tools you in the future, having the right technology in place will allow your new business to get off on the right foot toward lasting success.

As Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been picking up steam, the focus has turned to blockchain – the underlying distributed ledger technology (DLT) that powers these digital currencies.

Blockchain technology is simple to understand at its roots. The tech exists as a shared database filled with entries that must be confirmed by peer-to-peer networks and encrypted.

It’s helpful to envision it as a strongly encrypted and verified shared Google Document, in which each entry in the sheet depends on a logical relationship to all its predecessors, and is agreed upon by everyone in the network.

Blockchain and its characteristics can provide multiple advantages to businesses — whether they’re using a public blockchain network or opting for private or permissioned blockchain-based applications.

While market forces may compel companies to transform themselves, disruptive technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence provide a powerful catalyst for change. Just as leading organizations integrated the web into the fabric of their businesses during the internet era, modern companies need to adapt with today’s emerging technologies in mind.

Experts identify the following as the top blockchain benefits:

1. Trust

Blockchain creates trust between different entities where trust is either nonexistent or unproven. As a result, these entities are willing to engage in business dealings that involve transactions or data sharing that they may not have otherwise done or would have required an intermediary to do so. The enablement of trust is one of blockchain’s most cited benefits. Its value is evident in early blockchain use cases that facilitated transactions among entities that didn’t have direct relationships yet still had to share data or payments. Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, in general, are quintessential examples of how blockchain enables trust between participants who don’t know each other.

2. Decentralized structure

Blockchain proves its value when there’s no central actor who enables trust. So, in addition to enabling trust when participants lack trust because they’re unknown to each other, blockchain enables sharing of data within an ecosystem of businesses where no single entity is exclusively in charge. The supply chain is a case in point: Multiple businesses — from suppliers and transportation companies to producers, distributors and retailers — want or need information from others in that chain, yet no one is in charge of facilitating all that information sharing. Blockchain, with its decentralized nature, solves that dilemma.

3. Improved security and privacy

The security of blockchain-enabled systems is another leading benefit of this emerging technology. The enhanced security offered by blockchain stems from how the technology works: Blockchain creates an unalterable record of transactions with end-to-end encryption, which shuts out fraud and unauthorized activity. Additionally, data on the blockchain is stored across a network of computers, making it nearly impossible to hack (unlike conventional computer systems that store data together on servers). Furthermore, blockchain can address privacy concerns better than traditional computer systems by anonymizing data and requiring permissions to limit access.

4. Reduced costs

Blockchain’s nature also can cut costs for organizations. It creates efficiencies in processing transactions. It also reduces manual tasks such as aggregating and amending data, as well as easing reporting and auditing processes. Experts pointed to the savings that financial institutions see when using blockchain, explaining that blockchain’s ability to streamline clearing and settlement translates directly into process cost savings. More broadly, blockchain helps businesses cut costs by eliminating middlemen — vendors and third-party providers — that have traditionally provided the processing that blockchain can do.

5. Speed

By eliminating intermediaries, as well as replacing remaining manual processes in transactions, blockchain can handle transactions significantly faster than conventional methods. In some cases, blockchain can handle a transaction in seconds or less. However, times can vary; how quickly a blockchain-based system can process transactions depends on multiple factors, such as how large each block of data is and network traffic. Still, experts have concluded that blockchain typically beats other processes and technologies in terms of speed. In one of the most prominent applications of blockchain, Walmart used the technology to trace the source of sliced mangoes in seconds — a process that had previously taken seven days.

Other benefits include Visibility, Immutability, Individual control of data and innovation.

As organisations start to reimagine their futures, they have the opportunity to explore ways blockchain technology can drive growth.

more organizations are abandoning manual business processes and jumping on the train of automation. According to a 2020 Mckinsey survey of business leaders from a wide cross-section of industries…