
For nearly 25 years, Google has built helpful products that people use every day — from Search and Maps to Gmail and Docs in Google Workspace. AI has been transformational in building products that have earned a valued place in people’s lives. Across our productivity suite, advances in AI are already helping 3 billion users save more time with Smart Compose and Smart Reply, generate summaries for Docs, look more professional in meetings, and stay safe against malware and phishing attacks.

We’re now making it possible for Workspace users to harness the power of generative AI to create, connect, and collaborate like never before. To start, we’re introducing the first set of AI-powered writing features in Docs and Gmail to trusted testers.

As the world’s most popular and secure cloud-native communication and collaboration suite, getting this right — and at scale — is something we take very seriously. We know from our deep experience in AI and productivity that building features with AI requires great care, thoughtful experimentation, and many iterations driven by user feedback. We do all this while building safeguards against abuse, protecting the privacy of user data, and respecting customer control for data governance.

Making Workspace even more helpful

Workspace’s mission is to meaningfully connect people so they can create, build and grow together — and advances in generative AI are allowing us to deliver on this mission in new ways. Today, we’re sharing our broader vision for how Workspace is evolving to incorporate AI as a collaborative partner that is always there to help you achieve your goals, across Gmail, Docs, Slides, Sheets, Meet, and Chat.

As we embark on this next journey, we will be bringing these new generative AI experiences to trusted testers on a rolling basis throughout the year, before making them available publicly. 

With these features, you’ll be able to:

  • draft, reply, summarize, and prioritize your Gmail
  • brainstorm, proofread, write, and rewrite in Docs
  • bring your creative vision to life with auto-generated images, audio, and video in Slides
  • go from raw data to insights and analysis via auto-completion, formula generation, and contextual categorization in Sheets
  • generate new backgrounds and capture notes in Meet
  • enable workflows for getting things done in Chat

Here’s a look at the first set of AI-powered features, which make writing even easier.

Starting with Docs and Gmail

Blank pages can stump the best of us. That’s why we’re embedding generative AI in Docs and Gmail to help people get started writing. Whether you’re a busy HR professional who needs to create customized job descriptions, or a parent drafting the invitation for your child’s pirate-themed birthday party, Workspace saves you the time and effort of writing that first version. Simply type a topic you’d like to write about, and a draft will instantly be generated for you. With your collaborative AI partner, you can continue to refine and edit, getting more suggestions as needed.

Generative AI in Docs helps to write a job description.

Finding the right tone and style can also be tricky at times. Perhaps you’re applying for a new job, or writing to a new supplier in a more traditional industry, and you need to adopt a more formal tone in your email. Or you’ve jotted down a few bullets on your phone from a recent meeting and want to transform them into a more polished summary to share with your team. For these common scenarios and many more, we’re adding new generative AI capabilities to help you rewrite. And if you’re in the mood to let AI try out a new playful voice altogether, you’ll be able to hit the “I’m feeling lucky” option in Gmail.

Generative AI in Gmail formalizing notes into a polished email.

Keeping users in control

As we’ve experimented with generative AI ourselves, one thing is clear: AI is no replacement for the ingenuity, creativity, and smarts of real people. Sometimes the AI gets things wrong, sometimes it delights you with something offbeat, and oftentimes it requires guidance. With all this in mind, we’re designing our products by Google’s AI Principles that keep the user in control, letting AI make suggestions that you’re able to accept, edit, and change. We’ll also deliver the corresponding administrative controls so that IT can set the right policies for their organization. 

The best is yet to come

AI-based capabilities get better with human feedback. We’ll launch these new experiences this month via our trusted tester program, starting with English in the United States. From there, we’ll iterate and refine the experiences before making them available more broadly to consumers, small businesses, enterprises, and educational institutions in more countries and languages. When it comes to delivering the full potential of generative AI across Workspace, we’re just getting started. In the same way that we revolutionized real-time collaboration with co-authoring in Docs 17 years ago, we’re excited to transform creation and collaboration all over again in Workspace. 

If your organization is not yet on Workspace, we invite you to get started today at no cost and join us in this new era of AI.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, having access to a robust set of productivity tools that can enhance team collaboration and communication is essential for businesses to thrive. Google Workspace is one such solution that offers a comprehensive suite of tools that can help companies to manage their workflow more efficiently and effectively. 

With over six million paying businesses and 120 million active users worldwide, Google Workspace has established itself as a leading cloud-based productivity and collaboration solution.

What Is Google Workspace?

Google Workspace, formerly known as G Suite, is a cloud-based suite of productivity and collaboration tools designed to help businesses of all sizes streamline their workflow and improve their productivity. Google Workspace includes a variety of applications such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Calendar, Google Meet, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Forms, Google Keep, and Google Sites, each with its unique set of features and benefits.

In this article, we will explore the 10 key features of Google Workspace that every business should know about. These features are essential to streamlining your business operations, boosting productivity, and improving team collaboration. We will provide an overview of each feature, its benefits, and tips for maximizing its use for business success. 

By the end of this article, you will better understand how Google Workspace can help your business succeed and how to get the most out of its features.


Gmail is one of the most popular email clients in the world, with over 1.8 billion active users worldwide. Gmail is a feature-rich email client in the Google Workspace suite of productivity tools. Gmail provides businesses with a reliable and secure email solution that is easy to use and can be accessed anywhere, on any device.

Benefits of Using Gmail for Business Communication

  • Integration with other Google Workspace apps: Gmail integrates seamlessly with other Google Workspace apps, such as Google Calendar, Google Drive, and Google Meet, making it easy for businesses to collaborate and communicate with team members.
  • Large storage capacity: Gmail provides users with 15 GB of free storage space, which can be expanded with a paid plan, allowing businesses to store and manage large volumes of email.
  • Advanced spam filtering: Gmail’s advanced filtering algorithms effectively filter out unwanted spam and phishing emails, providing businesses with a safer and more secure email environment.
  • Customizable inbox: Gmail allows users to customize their inbox to fit their needs, including features like labels, filters, and priority inbox.
  • Mobile accessibility: Gmail is available on mobile devices, making it easy for business professionals to access their email on the go.

Tips for Customizing and Maximizing Gmail for Business Use

  • Use labels and filters: Labels and filters can help you organize your inbox and prioritize your emails based on importance or topic.
  • Enable keyboard shortcuts: Gmail has a variety of keyboard shortcuts that can help you navigate your inbox and perform everyday actions quickly.
  • Use canned responses: Canned responses are pre-written responses that you can use to respond quickly to standard emails, saving you time and effort.
  • Set up email signatures: Email signatures can add a professional touch to your emails and help you promote your business or brand.
  • Use Google Meet integration: Gmail’s Google Meet integration allows you to schedule and join meetings directly from your inbox, making it easy to collaborate with team members.

Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud-based file storage and synchronization service that is part of the Google Workspace suite of productivity tools. Google Drive provides businesses with a secure and reliable way to store, share, and collaborate on files, documents, and other critical business information.

Benefits of Using Google Drive for Business File Management

  • Accessible from anywhere: Google Drive files can be accessed from anywhere, on any device, as long as there is an internet connection, making it easy for team members to collaborate and work remotely.
  • Collaboration and sharing: Google Drive allows users to share files and folders with team members, set permissions, and collaborate on documents in real time.
  • Secure storage: Google Drive provides secure cloud-based storage with end-to-end encryption, ensuring that business files and documents are protected from unauthorized access and data loss.
  • Version control: Google Drive tracks file changes, allowing users to view and restore previous document versions.
  • Integration with other Google Workspace apps: Google Drive integrates seamlessly with other apps, such as Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides, making it easy to collaborate and manage files in one place.

Tips for Maximizing Google Drive for Business Use

  • Organize files and folders: Organizing files and folders into a logical structure can make finding and managing critical business documents easier.
  • Use third-party integrations: Google Drive integrates with various third-party apps, such as Zapier, Trello, and Asana, allowing you to automate workflows and improve productivity.
  • Use shortcuts: Google Drive has a variety of keyboard shortcuts that can help you navigate and manage files more efficiently.
  • Use Google Drive File Stream: Google Drive File Stream allows you to access all your Google Drive files on your computer without taking up storage space, making it easy to work with files directly from your desktop.
  • Use templates: Google Drive offers a variety of templates for standard business documents, such as invoices, proposals, and budgets, saving you time and effort.

Google Calendar

Google Calendar is a web-based calendar service part of the Google Workspace suite of productivity tools. Google Calendar provides businesses with a powerful and easy-to-use scheduling tool to help teams manage their time and stay organized.

Benefits of Using Google Calendar for Business Scheduling

  • Easy scheduling: Google Calendar makes it easy to schedule appointments, meetings, and events, with drag-and-drop functionality and various customizable scheduling options.
  • Integration with other Google Workspace apps: Google Calendar integrates with other Google Workspace apps, such as Gmail and Google Meet, allowing you to schedule meetings and events directly from your email or video conferencing app.
  • Sharing and collaboration: Google Calendar allows users to share calendars with team members, set permissions, and collaborate on real-time scheduling.
  • Mobile accessibility: Google Calendar is available on mobile devices, allowing users to access their schedules and make updates on the go.
  • Time zone support: Google Calendar supports multiple time zones, making it easy to schedule meetings and events with team members worldwide.

Tips for Maximizing Google Calendar for Business Use

  • Use colour coding: Color coding events and appointments can help you quickly identify different types of activities and prioritize your schedule.
  • Use reminders: Google Calendar allows you to set reminders for upcoming appointments and events, helping you stay on schedule.
  • Use the “find a time” feature: Google Calendar’s “find a time” feature allows you to see the availability of team members when scheduling a meeting, making it easier to find a time that works for everyone.
  • Use Google Meet integration: Google Calendar’s Google Meet integration allows you to schedule and join meetings directly from your calendar, making it easy to collaborate with team members.
  • Use the “Goals” feature: Google Calendar’s “Goals” feature allows you to set and track personal or professional goals, helping you stay focused and productive.

Google Meet

Google Meet is a video conferencing tool part of the Google Workspace suite of productivity tools. Google Meet provides businesses with a powerful and secure way to conduct online meetings and video conferences, with various features designed to enhance collaboration and productivity.

Benefits of Using Google Meet for Business Video Conferencing

  • High-quality video and audio: Google Meet provides high-quality video and audio, making conducting straightforward and productive meetings easy.
  • Security and privacy: Google Meet provides various security and privacy features, such as encryption, two-factor authentication, and secure meeting codes, ensuring that meetings are protected from unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Screen sharing and collaboration: Google Meet allows users to share their screens and collaborate on documents in real time, making it easy to work together on projects.
  • Recording and transcription: Google Meet allows users to record meetings and transcribe the conversation, making it easy to review important information and refer back to previous discussions.
  • Integration with other Google Workspace apps: Google Meet integrates seamlessly with other Google Workspace apps, such as Google Calendar and Gmail, making it easy to schedule and join meetings.

Tips for Maximizing Google Meet for Business Use

  • Use virtual backgrounds: Google Meet allows users to use virtual backgrounds, which can help create a professional and distraction-free meeting environment.
  • Use the “raise hand” feature: Google Meet’s “raise hand” feature lets participants indicate that they have a question or comment, making it easier to manage discussions and stay organized.
  • Use breakout rooms: Google Meet’s breakout rooms feature allows users to split a more critical meeting into smaller groups, making it easier to collaborate and discuss ideas in smaller groups.
  • Use captions: Google Meet allows users to turn on live captions, making it easier for participants to follow along with the conversation.
  • Use the mobile app: Google Meet’s mobile app allows users to join meetings from their mobile device, making it easy to stay connected and productive while on the go.

Google Forms

Google Forms is a web-based form-creation tool part of the Google Workspace suite of productivity tools. Google Forms provides businesses with a simple and powerful way to create surveys, quizzes, and feedback forms, with various features designed to make collecting and analyzing data easy.

Benefits of Using Google Forms for Business Data Collection

  • Customizable form creation: Google Forms allows users to create customized forms with various question types, including multiple-choice, short-answer, and more.
  • Accessible data collection: Google Forms makes it easy to collect data from customers, employees, and other stakeholders, with a simple and intuitive interface that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Real-time data analysis: Google Forms provides real-time data analysis tools, making it easy to visualize and analyze data as it is collected.
  • Integration with other Google Workspace apps: Google Forms integrates seamlessly with other Google Workspace apps, such as Google Sheets and Google Drive, making storing and analyzing data accessible.
  • Collaboration and sharing: Google Forms allows users to collaborate on forms in real time and to share forms with others for feedback and input.

Tips for Maximizing Google Forms for Business Use

  • Use question branching: Google Forms allows users to create question branching, which can help to make forms more personalized and relevant to the respondent.
  • Use images and videos: Google Forms allows users to add pictures and videos to forms, which can help to make them more engaging and interactive.
  • Use data validation: Google Forms allows users to set data validation rules, ensuring respondents provide accurate and complete data.
  • Use response validation: Google Forms allows users to set response validation rules, ensuring that respondents answer questions appropriately.
  • Use Google Forms add-ons: Google Forms has a variety of add-ons available, which can extend the tool’s functionality and add additional features and capabilities.

Google Slides

Google Slides is a cloud-based presentation tool part of the Google Workspace suite of productivity tools. Google Slides provides businesses with a powerful and easy-to-use tool for creating presentations, with various features designed to enhance collaboration and creativity.

Benefits of Using Google Slides for Business Presentations

  • Collaborative editing: Google Slides allows multiple users to edit a presentation in real-time, making collaborating with colleagues and stakeholders easy.
  • Cloud-based storage: Google Slides is cloud-based, meaning presentations are stored securely in the cloud and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Easy sharing: Google Slides allows users to easily share presentations with others, with various sharing options that can be customized to meet the needs of the business.
  • Templates and themes: Google Slides provides a variety of templates and themes that can be customized to create professional-looking presentations quickly and easily.
  • Integration with other Google Workspace apps: Google Slides integrates seamlessly with other apps, such as Google Drive and Google Sheets, making creating presentations that incorporate data and additional information easy.

Tips for Maximizing Google Slides for Business Use

  • Use the presenter view: Google Slides has a presenter view that allows presenters to see notes and upcoming slides, making it easy to stay organized and on track during a presentation.
  • Use the “Explore” feature: Google Slides has an “Explore” feature that allows users to search the web for images, text, and other content that can be incorporated into presentations.
  • Use animations and transitions: Google Slides allows users to add animations and transitions to slides, making presentations more engaging and visually appealing.
  • Use add-ons: Google Slides has a variety of add-ons available, which can help extend the tool’s functionality and add additional features and capabilities.
  • Use the mobile app: Google Slides allows users to create and edit presentations from their mobile device, making staying productive while on the go easy.

Google Keep

Google Keep is a note-taking and list-making tool part of the Google Workspace suite of productivity tools. Google Keep provides businesses with an easy way to keep track of notes, ideas, and to-do lists, with various features designed to enhance organization and productivity.

Benefits of Using Google Keep for Business Note-Taking and List-Making

  • Cloud-based storage: Google Keep is cloud-based, which means that notes and lists are stored securely in the cloud and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Easy organization: Google Keep allows users to organize notes and lists with labels, colours, and categories, making it easy to find and prioritize important information.
  • Collaboration and sharing: Google Keep allows users to collaborate on notes and lists in real time and to share them with others for feedback and input.
  • Integration with other Google Workspace apps: Google Keep integrates seamlessly with other apps, such as Google Drive and Google Docs, making incorporating notes and lists into other documents and workflows easy.
  • Reminders and notifications: Google Keep allows users to set reminders and notifications for notes and lists, helping to ensure that important tasks and deadlines are not forgotten.

Tips for Maximizing Google Keep for Business Use

  • Use voice commands: Google Keep allows users to create notes and lists using voice commands, making it easy to capture ideas and information while on the go.
  • Use checklists: Google Keep allows users to create checklists, which can help keep track of tasks and ensure that nothing is overlooked.
  • Use tags and labels: Google Keep allows users to tag and label notes and lists, making it easy to find and organize information.
  • Use the mobile app: Google Keep’s app allows users to create and edit notes and lists from their mobile device, making it easy to stay productive while on the go.
  • Use Google Keep add-ons: Google Keep has a variety of add-ons available, which can extend the tool’s functionality and add additional features and capabilities.


In conclusion, Google Workspace is a powerful and versatile suite of productivity tools that can significantly benefit businesses of all sizes. From communication and collaboration to organization and productivity, Google Workspace offers a range of features and capabilities that can help companies to work more efficiently and effectively.

Throughout this article, we have delved into seven key Google Workspace features essential for businesses. These features include Google Drive, Gmail, Google Meet, Google Calendar, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Forms, and Google Keep. Others include Google Docs, Sheets, Google Sites, Google Group, Google Chat, Google Cloud Search, and Current. 

As technology continues to evolve and businesses face new challenges and opportunities, staying up to date with the latest tools and technologies is crucial. By incorporating Google Workspace into their workflows and processes, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and position themselves for success in the digital age.

Check Out the Top 22 Digital Tools To Try Out On Your Business in 2024

Since the start of the third industrial revolution – also known as the digital revolution age – in the mid 20th century, businesses and corporate organisations have always adopted improved ways to function digitally.

The rapid adoption of digital tools by businesses didn’t begin until the late 90s at the height of the internet boom. This golden era heralded the rise of digital products like cloud software which have transformed the way businesses and organisations store important data from meagre physical hard drives sizes of the 60 to the 90s to powerful giant servers housed by software companies like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Service and Google Cloud Platform.

Using efficient and innovative digital tools has many advantages which include customer satisfaction and retention, improved internal and external communication, time optimisation, low customer churn out rate, information centralisation, etc.

READ MORE: 10 Things You Need To Know About Digital Transformation

Table of Contents

  1. What Are Digital Tools
  2. The Rise of GAFAM
  3. Basic Digital Tools and Systems
  4. The Right Digital Tools
  5. 1 DT Assessment Tool
  6. 2 Microsoft Teams
  7. 3 Zoom Video Communications
  8. 4 Whatsapp Business
  9. 5 Zendesk
  10. 6 Sage Cloud Accounting
  11. 7 Hootsuite
  12. 8 Google Workspace
  13. 9 Twitter
  14. 10 Asana
  15. 11 Google Marketing Platform
  16. 12 Google Data Studio
  17. 13 DropBox
  18. 14 Microsoft Azure
  19. 15 Instagram
  20. 16 WordPress
  21. 17 TalentSoft
  22. 18 MailChimp
  23. 19 HubSpot
  24. 20 Trello
  25. 21 PayFit
  26. 22 eBanqo

What Are Digital Tools?

Digital tools are online platforms or software applications leveraged by businesses or individuals to perform quick and optimised functions that ordinarily takes forever to accomplish without them.

The Rise of GAFAM

Most businesses and organisations that have transformed or are in the process of transforming digitally have adopted the use of some digital tools owned by Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft also known as the Big 5. From cloud storage, collaboration, security, to communication tools, these tech giants have it covered.

Basic Digital Tools and Systems

Over the years, digital tools have slowly grown from performing very basic tasks easily done by new interns to more complex tasks usually undertaken by high level engineers and managers. This evolution has greatly improved and saved productivity, output and output respectively, reducing the need for busywork in the workplace.

The Right Digital Tools

Beyond joining the digital transformation wave, It’s imperative that businesses choose the right digital tool that works for them. For example, an upcoming fashion brand will quickly improve its operational process digitally with a Customer Relationship Management tool like Zendesk, while a Logistics company will prioritise the use of several management tools.

Some tools remain very necessary to integrate across industries and we’ll take a look at 21 of them. Here are 21 digital tools businesses should promptly adopt next year if they haven’t:

1 DT Assessment tool

Businesses that adopt digital technologies with no other strategy than the sheer aim to compete have found themselves in a puddle 9 out of 10 times. This underscores the importance of the digital transformation assessment tool for businesses.

The Digital Transformation tool will enable businesses to look inward and find out how ready they are to adopt technology, based on their current operational process and also provide recommendations to help businesses understand what technologies they need to adopt. Ultimately this will help to ensure that businesses can guarantee high returns on their investment in technology solutions.

2 Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is one of the most effective digital tools out there for businesses that want an all-in-one package. It gained prominence during the pandemic last year. The collaborative software, replacing other Microsoft messaging and collaborative platforms like Skype and Classroom, consist of a chat feature where users can chat seamlessly with other users both one on one and as a group, file sharing, meeting, live event and a video/audio call feature.

Microsoft Teams is itself an online workspace where Team members can get work done.

3 Zoom Video Communications

The Zoom app was pretty much an inconspicuous digital tool that gained so much traction as the go-to social distancing tool during the surge of the COVID 19 pandemic last year. This led to Zoom being the fifth most downloaded mobile app worldwide in 2020 at 477 million downloads.

The video conferencing platform is best used for remote working, distance education (usually known as webinars) and all those boring Monday meetings.

The app can be downloaded from the Apple app store and Google Play Store and also on desktops.

4 Whatsapp Business

For most individual businesses, especially on social media, the Whatsapp Business app is the go to digital tool. With features such as a business profile, catalogue to show your products and services, auto messaging, QR codes to invite new customers and other features, Whatsapp business allows businesses to enhance operations and provide them with a professional and personalised way to engage with their customers.

The messaging app was created by Facebook as a standalone application for business owners and can be downloaded from the app and PlayStore.

5 Zendesk

Interfacing with a lot of old and new customers seamlessly can be a hassle if your business has yet to integrate with the right customer service software. This is where Zendesk comes in. The tool helps optimise your customer relationship with features like messaging and live chat, ticketing system, voice, answering bot and so much more.

6 Sage Cloud Accounting

One of the best accounting software out there, the Sage business cloud accounting platform is a truly transformative digital tool for any business that has adopted it. The software comes fully fitted with advanced inventory, stocks management, invoicing, debtor management, etc and can be used across all industries.

7 Hootsuite

Social media has increasingly become a very important medium used by companies and organisations to communicate with customers. But managing several social media accounts at the same time will require social media management tools like Hootsuite. With Hootsuite, you can manage, plan, schedule and analyse all your company’s social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube) and contents in one place.

The platform comes in 3 different plans; Professional, Teams and Enterprise and can be accessed on the web and downloaded from the app and Play Store.

8 Google Workspace

Arguably the most used digital tool by businesses and individuals due to its simplicity and seamless integration, the Google Workplace, formerly known as Google Suites is a powerful digital transformation tool. The collaborative suite includes well known digital tools like Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Slides, My Tasks, Drive and a number of others that employees can use to share real time information.

The digital tools under the G Workspace package can be used independently or jointly.

9 Twitter

Before its ban, Twitter was one of the most favorite online tools used by Nigerian businesses for the quick dissemination of information about their offerings.

Its disposition to capture a lot of audience in a matter of minutes makes it a go to affordable marketing tool for small businesses.

10 Asana

Another popular collaborative digital tool businesses can use to work remotely is Asana. Created by a former Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz, Asana is a web and mobile application designed to help teams organise, manage and track their work.

Unlike Microsoft Teams and Google workspace, Asana is a bit limited in features that include automated workflow and reporting, but it’s still a great option especially for small-scale businesses and startups.

11 Google Marketing Platform

This is one of the best digital marketing tools for any B2Bs or B2Cs looking to gain visibility and traction.

The Google Marketing Platform offers solutions like Data Studio (check below for more information), Analytics for reporting, Optimize to test your app or web products and Surveys for fast and reliable opinions from your customers for both Small businesses and Enterprises comes loaded with a lot of rich offerings.

12 Google Data Studio

The first data analytics digital tool on the list, the Google Data Studio is a data analytics tool like no other. Simplistic in its usage, the tool is used for converting data into customisable and visualisable informative reports and dashboards.

A product of Google Marketing Platform, the Data Studio features include Data Connectors for seamless integration with other Google platforms like Google Sheets and Google Ads, Data Transformation to transform raw data into meaningful information and Data Visualization.

13 Dropbox

As the name implies, it’s a box where you can drop stuff. Well, it’s a little more than that. It’s a gigantic, remotely accessible box where you can drop and access any of your files.

With Dropbox, you can easily share different files, no matter how large or small, with the rest of your teammates, making it easier to collaborate and co-create. Dropbox can be easily accessed from any computer, mobile device or web driver and its creators assure users of optimal security during file transfers.

14 Microsoft Azure

Build applications to meet customer demands using AI and machine learning. Test, deploy, manage and scale applications up and down depending on demands.

Do all of this and even modernize your existing applications with Microsoft Azure.

15 Instagram

Do we even need to go deep into this one? I’m guessing no. But we’d do it anyway for the sake of those who aren’t still in the know. One of the most important tricks with marketing and digital marketing is understanding where exactly your customers are and meeting them right there.

With this in mind, think of who your ideal customers are, think of what they’d most likely be doing during the day at every moment when they get a breather from work. If you can picture them scrolling through Instagram feeds, then you already know your business page should be one of those feeds they’re feeding on. (hmmm. So that’s why they call them feeds. Oh! you just learnt something extra. I should get a tip for that).

This tool enables users to create websites or blogs for any purpose and helps manage the contents deployed on the website after creation for great SEO ranking.

16 WordPress

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems. As of May 2021, 41.4% of the top 10million websites around the world uses WordPress.

This tool enables users to create websites or blogs for any purpose and helps manage the contents deployed on the website after creation for great SEO ranking.

17 TalentSoft

TalentSoft is a cloud-based HR software that enables Human resource managers to have better interactions with other managers across the organization as well as employees. The tool has a wide range of features that caters to different HR functions like, recruiting, employee engagement, onboarding and more.

TalentSoft adapts to HR practices across different countries and organizational structures, making the tool effective for talent management on a global scale even whilst it respects local requirements.

18 MailChimp

Your business is incomplete without an email marketing tool. One of the most popular digital email marketing tools out there, MailChimp is virtually used by any business – including news platforms and podcast hosts – with a moderate or large customer/audience base.

The MailChimp features which include Audience Management for segmentation and targeting, Creative Tools for content creation, Marketing Automation and Insights and Analytics allow for seamless and faster interaction with customers and integration to other digital tools.

19 HubSpot

Very few digital tools offer so much comprehensive digital interaction for businesses the way HubSpot does. The HubSpot platform packs a big punch; it combines customer relationship management solutions, inbound marketing solutions and other digital solutions into one package and can be integrated with other popular digital tools.

The platform also offers easy to use free features to help businesses grow their audience base online.

20 Trello

Trello is a visual collaboration tool where users share and manage projects. Unlike most collaboration tools on this list, Trello’s unique offering is in its powerful visual perspective to remote work.

Not considered as a go to option for most businesses due to its limited features, it’s still an attractive option for users who want a fun and simple interface to work on.

21 PayFit

A list of digital tools for businesses is not complete without a payroll management tool like PayFit. The tool completely takes away the hassle of manually preparing and processing payment of employee salaries and entitlements from Human Resources managers by automating the process using various features like employee portal, onboarding and reporting and exports.

22 eBanqo

AI chatbots are increasingly becoming the go-to customer interaction tools and one of those platforms that offers such tools is eBanqo, a conversational AI solution that helps businesses automate customer enagagement and deliver services instantly on messaging appss like Facebook Messenger, Instagram DM, Google My Business and Whatsapp, meeting customers right where they already engage.

eBanqo offers four features:
– FAQ Bot that makes it possible for customers to get instant answers to questions.
– Self service chatbot that allows customers to resolve issues themselves.
– Live Chat feature for customer service agents to chat with customers irrespective of the channel the customer is engaging on
– Broadcasting feature to send outbound messages to customers.