

In the digital age, businesses are increasingly seeking ways to automate their operations, reduce manual efforts, and boost productivity. Automation refers to the process of using technology to perform routine, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks, allowing human employees to focus on more creative and strategic responsibilities. Automation has become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. 

In this article, we will take a second look at why you should automate your business now, the benefits of automation, examples of automated business processes, challenges of automating a business, best practices for successful automation, and the future of automation in business.

You can read our first article on this topic here.

Importance of Automation in Business

Automation is essential for businesses that want to stay competitive in the digital age. By automating their processes, businesses can streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve customer service. Automation can help businesses to increase efficiency, productivity, and accuracy while reducing the potential for errors. In addition, automation can free up employees from repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on more creative and strategic responsibilities.

Benefits of Automating Your Business

A. Increased Efficiency

Automation can help businesses to increase efficiency y reducing the time required to perform routine tasks. For example, automating data entry, order processing, and invoice generation can help to streamline operations, reduce the potential for errors, and increase the speed of processing.

B. Cost Savings

Automation can help businesses to save money by reducing the need for manual labour, minimizing the potential for errors, and increasing the speed of processing. For example, automating payroll processing, inventory management, and order processing can help to reduce the need for manual labour, resulting in significant cost savings.

C. Increased Productivity

Automation can help businesses to increase productivity by freeing up employees from routine tasks, allowing them to focus on more creative and strategic responsibilities. For example, automating data entry, order processing, and invoice generation can help to free up employees from routine tasks, allowing them to focus on more creative and strategic responsibilities.

D. Better Customer Service

Automation can help businesses to provide better customer service by improving response times, reducing the potential for errors, and improving accuracy. For example, automating customer service processes, such as order tracking and support ticket management, can help to improve response times and accuracy, resulting in better customer service.

E. Improved Accuracy and Consistency

Automation can help businesses to improve accuracy and consistency by reducing the potential for errors and ensuring that processes are performed consistently. For example, automating data entry, order processing, and invoice generation can help to reduce the potential for errors and ensure that processes are performed consistently.

Examples of Automated Business Processes

A. Sales and Marketing

Automation can help businesses to streamline their sales and marketing processes by automating lead generation, email marketing, and social media marketing. For example, automating email marketing can help businesses to send targeted messages to customers based on their preferences, resulting in higher engagement and sales.

B. Accounting and Finance

Automation can help businesses to automate their accounting and finance processes by automating payroll processing, invoicing, and financial reporting. For example, automating payroll processing can help businesses to reduce errors and save time on manual data entry.

C. Customer Service

Automation can help businesses to improve their customer service processes by automating order tracking, support ticket management, and customer feedback management. For example, automating order tracking can help businesses to provide customers with real-time updates on their orders, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.

D. Inventory Management

Automation can help businesses to streamline their inventory management processes by automating inventory tracking, ordering, and replenishment. For example, automating inventory tracking can help businesses to reduce the potential for stockouts and overstocking, resulting in lower costs and higher profits.

Challenges of Automating a Business:

A. Cost of Implementation

Implementing automation in a business can be costly, especially for small businesses with limited resources. The cost of hardware, software, and the time required to train employees can add up quickly, making automation seem like an expensive investment. However, the long-term benefits of automation often outweigh the upfront costs, resulting in cost savings and increased efficiency over time.

B. Resistance to Change

Introducing new technology and processes can be met with resistance from employees who may be resistant to change or feel threatened by automation. It is essential to involve employees in the planning and implementation process and communicate the benefits of automation to ensure their buy-in.

C. Potential for Errors

Automation can reduce the potential for errors, but it can also introduce new errors if not implemented correctly. It is essential to test and refine automated processes continually to ensure accuracy and reduce the potential for errors.

Best Practices for Successfully Automating a Business:

A. Start Small

It is often best to start small when implementing automation in a business. Identify the most time-consuming and repetitive tasks and begin by automating those processes. Starting small allows businesses to test the automation process and refine it before implementing it on a larger scale.

B. Plan Ahead

It is crucial to plan when implementing automation in a business. Define the goals of automation, identify the processes that need to be automated, and create a timeline for implementation. This planning process will help to ensure that the automation process is efficient and effective.

C. Involve Your Team

It is important to involve employees in the automation process to ensure their buy-in and to identify potential issues. Employees can provide valuable insights into the current processes and suggest improvements to the automation process.

D. Choose the Right Tools

Choosing the right tools is essential when implementing automation in a business. Research and evaluate different automation tools to ensure that they meet the needs of the business and can be integrated into existing systems.

Future of Automation in Business

A. Advancements in Automation Technology

The future of automation in business is exciting, with advancements in technology such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. These technologies will allow businesses to automate more complex tasks and improve the accuracy and efficiency of automated processes.

B. Impact on the Job Market

Automation has the potential to impact the job market, with some jobs becoming obsolete and new jobs being created. However, automation will also create opportunities for employees to focus on more creative and strategic responsibilities.

C. Importance of Adaptability

Businesses that are adaptable and can quickly adopt new technologies will be the most successful in the future. It is essential to stay informed about advancements in automation technology and be willing to adapt to changes in the job market.


In conclusion, automation is essential for businesses that want to stay competitive in the digital age. The benefits of automation include increased efficiency, cost savings, increased productivity, better customer service, and improved accuracy and consistency. 

Businesses can automate processes such as sales and marketing, accounting and finance, customer service, and inventory management. While there are challenges to automating a business, such as the cost of implementation and resistance to change, best practices such as starting small, planning thoroughly, involving employees in the process, and seeking expert advice can help overcome these challenges.

It is important to note that automation should not replace human workers, but rather augment their skills and abilities. Automation can free up employees from repetitive tasks and allow them to focus on more complex and strategic tasks that require human intelligence and creativity.

Overall, automation is a powerful tool that businesses can use to streamline their operations, increase their competitiveness, and better serve their customers. By embracing automation and integrating it into their business processes, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and thrive in today’s fast-paced and rapidly changing business landscape.

Have you ever heard of the Japa syndrome? If you haven’t, you must be leaving under a noise-cancelling rock somewhere. “Japa”, a Nigerian slang for ‘running away’ is now fittingly associated with a popular trend, Nigerians escaping the hardship of the country.

The problem of worker migration is not unique to Nigeria, as many countries around the world face similar challenges. However, the scale of the problem in Nigeria is particularly significant due to the country’s large population, high unemployment rate, and lack of economic opportunities.  

According to a recent pew research survey, 45% of Nigeria’s adult population plans to relocate to another country within five years. That’s staggering if you realise that is half of 110 million Nigerians about the age of 18. This is in addition to the 64% spike within a year in the number of Nigerians studying in the UK.

What’s worse is a greater number of these migrants are skilled workers who have left their jobs to seek better opportunities abroad, particularly in developed countries such as the United States, Canada, and Europe. 

These workers often possess specialized skills and knowledge that are difficult to replace, which can negatively impact the productivity and profitability of businesses. Additionally, the cost and time required to recruit and train new workers can be significant, which can further strain the resources of businesses.

This article aims to provide an understanding of the causes of Japa Syndrome, strategies for solving it, and how Descasio can help combat the issue. It aims to provide insights to businesses and organizations to help them combat the negative impact of losing their workforce to this unfortunate phenomenon.

The Impact on Nigerian Businesses

The impact of worker migration on Nigerian businesses can be significant, affecting various aspects of their operations. Some of the most notable impacts include:

  1. Loss of Skilled Labor: The loss of skilled and experienced workers to Japa can be a major concern for businesses. These workers often possess specialized skills and knowledge that are difficult to replace, which can negatively impact the productivity and profitability of businesses.
  2. Difficulty in Recruiting and Training New Workers: Replacing skilled and experienced workers can be a difficult and time-consuming task. Businesses may struggle to find qualified candidates to fill the vacant positions, and the cost and time required to recruit and train new workers can be significant.
  3. Negative Impact on Productivity and Profitability: The loss of skilled workers can lead to a decrease in productivity and profitability for businesses. This can be particularly problematic for small and medium-sized businesses, which often lack the resources to effectively replace lost workers.
  4. Difficulty in retaining employees: The migration of workers from Nigeria to other countries can also create a culture of instability among employees who may feel that they too can migrate in search of better opportunities. This can lead to difficulty in retaining employees and maintaining a stable workforce.
  5. Brain Drain: The migration of skilled and educated workers from Nigeria can lead to a brain drain, where the country loses its most talented and educated citizens to other countries. This can be detrimental to the long-term development and growth of the Nigerian economy.

Possible Solutions To Japa

While the issue of worker migration is a complex and multifaceted problem, there are several solutions that Nigerian businesses can implement to mitigate the effects on their operations. 

Some of these solutions include:

  1. Government Policies to Address the Root Causes of Migration: The government can play a key role in addressing the root causes of worker migration, such as high unemployment and lack of economic opportunities. This can include policies to promote job creation and economic growth, as well as programs to provide education and training to workers to increase their employability.
  2. Businesses Investing in Training and Development Programs: Businesses can invest in training and development programs to build a skilled and experienced workforce. This can include programs to provide education and training to current employees, as well as programs to attract and retain new workers.
  3. Investment in Technology to Increase Efficiency and Automation: Businesses can also invest in technology to increase efficiency and automation. This can help businesses to become more productive and profitable and to reduce their dependence on human labour. At Descasio, we offer automation solutions businesses can adopt to mitigate the loss of workers through Japa.
  4. Partnerships and Collaborations with Other Businesses: Businesses can also form partnerships and collaborations with other businesses to share resources and expertise. This can include sharing recruiting and training resources, as well as collaborating on research and development projects to create new products and services.
  5. Encourage Remote working: Encouraging remote working can also be a solution to mitigate the impact of worker migration. With the advancement of technology, businesses can have their employees work remotely, even when they are in other countries. At Descasio, we offer remote tools like Google workspace to help businesses communicate seamlessly with their employees no matter the location.

It’s important to note that these solutions may not be a one-size-fits-all approach. And addressing worker migration will require a multifaceted approach involving the government, businesses, and individuals.


The challenge of worker migration is a persistent problem for Nigerian businesses, as it results in the loss of skilled and experienced workers and creates difficulties in recruiting and training new employees. This can negatively impact the productivity and profitability of businesses. However, as outlined in this article, there are several solutions that businesses can implement to mitigate the effects of worker migration.

It’s important to note that addressing worker migration will require a multifaceted approach involving the government, businesses, and individuals working together. Descasio can play a crucial role in this process by providing businesses with the tools and technology they need to become more efficient, productive and profitable. This can include solutions such as automation, remote work management software, and talent management platforms.

Additionally, we can offer businesses a wide range of services such as cloud migration, data analytics, and AI-based solutions to create a more efficient and productive work environment. This can help businesses to reduce their dependence on human labour and increase their competitiveness in the global market.

In summary, worker migration is a significant challenge for Nigerian businesses, but with the implementation of the appropriate solutions and the help of tech solutions providers like Descasio, it’s possible to mitigate the effects and contribute to the development of the Nigerian economy.

The first half of 2022 has been one hell of half for businesses around the world. This year was supposed to be a recovery for most businesses from the impact of Covid 19 in the past couple of years. But the recovery was quickly cut short by some unexpected events like the invasion of Russia in Ukraine.

There’s no surefire formula for instant success, but you can boost your business’ growth before the end of 2022 with these tips below:

Automate Your Business Processes

Automation of the business processes helps reduces time, keeps costs low and drives revenue up. Also, it maintains a higher level of efficiency with low overhead costs. Choose business process automation to streamline operations on any level of your organization.

  • Reduces the manual management of Account Payable Information
  • Maintains security, approvals, compliance all you need
  • Cost savings and speeds up business processes
  • No late payment penalties, access to early payment discounts

The repetitive business processes like order filling, shipping, inventory management, purchasing, and billing are manageable through automation.

Work Management Solutions

Improving workflow management is more than just growth and productivity. Look for an automated workflow analysis tool that ensures workflow compliance in every step.

Workflow solutions have a substantial impact on any organization’s success.

  • Puts you in control of any business
  • Transform your business with your internal business procedures
  • Workflow approval processes in every department

Every organization has key business objectives – whether it is to improve productivity, reduce costs, conserve resources, mitigate risks, increase customer satisfaction or manage capital assets. The proper workflow management tool maps all these strategic goals leading to revenue growth management of your business.

Reduce your risks.

Risk is an inevitable part of starting and growing a business. It’s impossible to control everything, but there are many ways to limit internal and external threats to your company and its growth. One important resource to help you accomplish this is your business insurance provider.

For example, “the theft of employee data, customer records, and product designs can destroy a small business, generating significant costs and eroding customer confidence and loyalty. Not every business owner’s policy covers data breaches or other cyber losses. Small businesses should be prepared by seeking insurance products that help them recover, including those that cover the cost of remediation and lawsuits.”

As your small business grows, you may add space or equipment, create new products or services, or increase your operating and distribution footprint, so DeHetre recommends periodically reviewing your policy to ensure you have the right coverage.

Focus on your customer experience.

Customers’ perceptions can make or break your business. Deliver quality experiences and products, and they’ll quickly sing your praises on social media; mess it up, and they’ll tell the world even faster. Fast growth depends on making your current and potential customers happy with their experience.

The most successful small businesses exploit this advantage by bringing new and innovative products and services to market more quickly and developing and nurturing long-term customer relationships.

While engaging with your audience is crucial, personalizing the experience can boost and strengthen that relationship.

Be Adaptable

One trait that many successful businesses have in common is the ability to switch directions quickly in response to changes in the market. Lanng said that an agile approach to development, both in your product and your company, will help you grow more quickly.

By allowing yourself to adapt and change quickly, you’re able to test different approaches to business and find out what works best. It allows you to fail, pick yourself back up and keep going.

Look to current pop culture trends for an opportunity to become part of the movement when it makes sense.

more organizations are abandoning manual business processes and jumping on the train of automation. According to a 2020 Mckinsey survey of business leaders from a wide cross-section of industries…